About Life Path Profiles

What’s A Life Path Profile?


Content and Intent

I’ve created the Life Path Profiles to offer you a clarifying and supportive map of your life’s journey. A document of approximately 15 pages, each Life Path Profile offers insights into the nature of your inner life, as well as the more external expressions, such as your work, relationships, creativity, health and family.

Your Profile will also include tools and suggestions for the practical application of the insights offered.

All the content in the Life Path Profiles is written by me, and I personally prepare each one.

The content in the Life Path Profiles is deeply influenced by my spiritual context. Each Profile echoes the themes you find in my songs: All is Divine, you are whole and complete already, and your life is an adventure perfectly designed just for you.

With this context in mind, I offer the Life Path insights with the intent to increase your compassion and respect for your unique life’s journey. It is also my intent to support the deepening of self-acceptance and inner peace, trust in yourself and the Universe, and your ability to be present in the moment that is Now.

Your Life Path Is Revealed Through Your Birthdate

I will ask for your birthdate when you order a Life Path Profile. A numerology formula allows me to discover which Life Path is yours, along with the 10-year Cycle you are moving through, and the energies supporting your Current Year.

Source Material

The source material for the content of my Life Path Profiles was taught to me by Angeles Arrien, when I was a student at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in the early 80’s. Angeles was a faculty member, my advisor and mentor. Her book, The Tarot Handbook was the textbook for my studies with her.

She created a system that combines Tarot Archetypes, Numerology and Astrology to offer profound insight into one’s inner and outer life, and the energies influencing our life journey year-by-year. She taught me the numerology formula used to calculate the Life Paths, Cycles and Years. This formula, along with a wealth of information about the tarot archetypes, Life Paths, Cycle and Years are all available in her book if you are inspired to dig deeper.

My Life Path Profiles reflect how the content I learned from Angeles has evolved, refined and become uniquely my own. After 35+ years of doing readings, my interpretation of the material has been deeply influenced by my observations of clients, friends and family, feedback I’ve received, and tracking my own Life Path, Cycles and Years since 1981. My intuitive attunement to the material has also influenced the content of the Profiles.


The Complete Life Path Profile is a document of approximately 15 pages, and is divided into three sections:

Your Life Path looks at the long view of your entire life.

Your Current Cycle illuminates a 10-year cycle that you are currently moving through, including when it begins and ends.

Your Current Year runs from birthday-to-birthday and is explained in this section of your Profile.

The Your Life Path section of the Complete Profile will be relevant for the rest of your life and can be reviewed at any time. Many people find it rich and intriguing
to revisit the insights about their Life Path as their life’s journey continues to unfold.

The Current Year and Current Cycle insights will change, and Updates are available once you have received your Complete Profile.

Your Profile or Update will be delivered to you by e-mail as a PDF document.

After You’ve Ordered Your Complete Profile

The Complete Profile is something you will order just once. If you resonate with the insights and find them useful and supportive, you can purchase the relevant Updates at any time. You will begin a new Year on your birthday each year, and a new Cycle begins once in a 10-Year period. Your Complete Profile will let you know when you will begin a new ten-year Cycle. Updates are approximately 5 pages.

Many people order Updates as their birthday is approaching and have told me that receiving and reviewing their Life Path Update for the year has become a meaningful part of their birthday celebration.

I also offer private follow-up sessions by phone or Zoom after you have received and reviewed your Complete Profile.